My first is this silicon spatula. It’s construction isnt just a silicon tip with wooden handle. Its the red silicon for much more of the handle, which I’ve felt makes it easier to clean and last longer, since gunk isnt getting wedged between the handle and tip. I like it so much I have two.

The second is probably just a spray bottle with water and dish soap. I clean up messes and the stove and countertops with it, and it’s incredibly convenient.

    32 months ago

    If you’re looking for a cheap good one, get those super cheap ones from AliExpress/etc. Imho these are soo much better than anything else you can get in the consumer space, and even some commercial ones because they are super responsive. The only downsides are that they’re relatively small so reading the display with a large bowl on top is a bit difficult and they’re probably not super accurate, especially with low loading. But that’s not really an issue for cooking. They take regular AAA batteries that last for ages and the thing costs like under 5€. I’ve had mine for like 8 yrs now and aside from a bit of liquid that got into the display it still works completely fine.

    Here’s the type I’m talking about:


    • anon6789
      2 months ago

      I just looked up the one I got, and it turns out it’s my scale’s cake day! Got it 10 years ago today. Looks about the same price still too, under $15. Maybe changed batteries in it twice, spilled lots of liquid and flour on it and it’s still happy.