My first is this silicon spatula. It’s construction isnt just a silicon tip with wooden handle. Its the red silicon for much more of the handle, which I’ve felt makes it easier to clean and last longer, since gunk isnt getting wedged between the handle and tip. I like it so much I have two.

The second is probably just a spray bottle with water and dish soap. I clean up messes and the stove and countertops with it, and it’s incredibly convenient.

    82 months ago

    Squirt bottle for (olive) oil. It is a lot more precise than simply pouring oil out of the bottle the oil comes in.

    Electric kettle. No fancy features, just a switch to start water boiling, which shuts off once it’s at a rolling boil

    Multishelf airfryer. It’s great for roasting small batches of vegetables (baby carrots, potatoes, cauliflower etc) without the guilt of firing up the big oven. It’s also great in the summer because it doesn’t heat up my apartment

    1.5qt sauce pan. It’s great for heating up small batches of soups, bbq beans etc. This is what I used to heat the water for my tea prior to purchasing the electric kettle

    I pretty much use all of these on a daily basis