It is the Diverge TM 2. It was my first split or ortholinear keyboard. I’ve been growing tired of it, and inspired by other hand-built keyboards. I’m hoping to transition to a new keyboard and retire this soon.

  • The Quuuuuill
    22 years ago

    If you retire it I might be interested in buying it. The let’s split and diverge have a special place in my heart as the first custom I ever built. I’m currently delighted with my Corne, but I don’t think anything travels as well as the let’s split and let’s split-alikes

    • @rutrumOPMA
      22 years ago

      I’ll consider it (it’ll be some time before I build a new one, especially since Ive not hand built one before. This one was purchased prebuilt). Last I knew, unikeyboards was the site that manufactured these, but the owner was hong kong based, and I’ve not seen the website around last I checked. Really brings a sad ending to the diverge line, and the rest of his products.

  • hallettj
    12 years ago

    Looks nice! I’ve been using a Corne for the past six months which is the first keyboard I’ve used with a similar size and layout to this one.

    What is it you’re looking for in your new board?

    • @rutrumOPMA
      32 years ago

      I really wish I had more thumb keys. When I first got this I thought having a wide area for my thumbs like a regular spacebar was important, but after using it so long I realize that I’d rather have more options for my thumbs. Likewise, I don’t really use the keys at the bottom row under my pinkies, so I’d want 6x3 for each hand plus, hopefully, at least 3 keys for a thumb cluster. Just looking through the latest keyboard builder’s digest, I’d say something like this is what I’m going for: